Ever feel as if you could use an entire team of guardian angels? This amulet may be for you. It depicts the Seven-Mothers-and-a-Guardian, also known as Sapta Matrikas. They are seven goddesses, all with different attributes - not so different from the Greek muses. There are theories that they pre-date Hinduism itself, and were inspired by the Pleides -- such a timeless notion. The eight tiny effigies look quite abstract, and combine so well with the simplicity of the mother-of-pearl, which is immensely flattering, and a bit more casual than "regular" pearls. I wear my mother-of-pearl amulet necklace at least once a week, and I'm sure that you would find this necklace very wearable, too. There is a faceted rock crystal quartz charm by the toggle clasp. The necklace is 17.75" long.